+49 -(0) 34206 75560
All necessary permits required by European SHEQ regulations for operating a recycling plant for Acetylene and DMF cylinders, have been granted to GiV Leipzig GmbH.
The following certificates are held by GiV Leipzig GmbH:
- permission for construction and operation of the plant according to 4. BlmSchV, 8.11b)aa)/8.12a), Sp.2. (Federal Immission Protection Act)
- permission to receive and process DMF cylinders
- Confirmations of proper waste management issued by the Regional Authority -Greater Leipzig Region and the Central Directorate Saxony, Dresden (Landratsamt Landkreis Leipzig and Landesdirektion Sachsen)
- audited by the “acetylene and environment” group of experts of the German Gas Association (part of EIGA)
- ISO 9001 and 14001
- The recycling of depressurized acetylene and DMF cylinders is controlled by the transport notification system of the responsible agencies throughout Europe and globally.
You will find our certificate as Specialist Waste Management Operator under the following link: